Đề Kiểm tra học kì II Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 (Có đáp án)

IV) Fill the given words in the blanks. ( 1,5pts ) :
Color; is ; blue; book; name ; my
1/ What is your …………… ?
2/ ……………name is Andy.
3/ What ………………this ?
4/ It’s a ……………
5/ What ……………is this ?
6/ It’s a ……………pencil.

doc 4 trang datvu 08/05/2024 730
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề Kiểm tra học kì II Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 (Có đáp án)

Đề Kiểm tra học kì II Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 (Có đáp án)
 Dau Tieng District -Education 
 Mark (s)
Department. SECOND - TERM
Minh Hoa Primary School
 Subject: English.
Class : 1 Time : 35 minutes
Full name :________________ 
 I)Circle the answer. (Khoanh troøn caâu traû lôøi ñuùng) (2pts) :
 1/ How are you ? 2/ What color is this ?
 a. I’m fine .Thank you.
 b. I’m John. a.It’s black. 
 b. It’s a bag.
 4/ Is this a book ?
 3/ What’s this ? a. It’s a pen.
 a. Yes, it is. b. No, it is not.
 b. It’s a pen.
 II) Look and circle the answer a or b Xem tranh vaø khoanh troøn a hoaëc b) 
 (1,5pts ) :
 1/ a.sit down. 2/ a. Put your book away.
 b. look at the board. b. Raise your hand.
 3/ a. Open your book. 4/ a. Stand up.
 b. Close your book. b. Sit down.
 5/a.Is this a book ? Yes, it is . 6/ a. It’s a chair.
 b.Is this a pencil ? Yes, it is. b. It’s a ruler.
I)Circle the answer. (Khoanh troøn caâu traû lôøi ñuùng) (2pts) :
1/ How are you ? 2/ What color is this ?
 a.I’m fine .Thank you.
 a.It’s black. 
 b.I’m John. 
 b.It’s a bag.
 4/ Is this a book ?
3/ What’s this ? a.It’s a pen.
 a.Yes, it is. b.No, it is not.
 b.It’s a pen.
II) Look and circle the answer a or b(Xem tranh vaø khoanh troøn a hoaëc b) ( 
1,5pts ) :
1/ a.sit down. 2/ a. Put your book away.
 b. look at the board. b. Raise your hand.
3/ a. Open your book. 4/ a. Stand up.
 b. Close your book. b. Sit down.
5/a.Is this a book ? Yes, it is . 6/ a. It’s a chair.
 b.Is this a pencil ? Yes, it is. b. It’s a ruler.
IV)Fill the given words in the blanks. Ñieàn töø cho saün vaøo choã troáng( 1,5pts ) :
 Color; is ; blue; book; name ; my

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